Question: (Closed) BEDTools: BED TO BAM Converter
gravatar for monah.aboualezz01
6 months ago by
monah.aboualezz010 wrote:

Hey guys! I'm trying to convert a BED file that i downloaded from epigenome roadmap to a bam file. But I'm always getting this message when I use BED to BAM tool from BEDTools? "An error occurred setting the metadata for this dataset Set it manually or retry auto-detection" Can anyone please help me fixing this issue? Thanks in advance Monah

rna-seq bed bam • 243 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 6 months ago by monah.aboualezz010

Resolved via bug report

ADD REPLYlink modified 6 months ago • written 6 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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