Question: Problem With Gmaj
gravatar for Ross Hardison
12.3 years ago by
Ross Hardison270
United States
Ross Hardison270 wrote:
I'm trying to use the GMAJ tool on Galaxy, but get this error: Error loading alignments from bundled file "input.maf": edu.psu.bx.gmaj.BadInputExceptions: Sequence length contradiction" s baboon.1 26891 63 + 1248010 TCAG... Current = 1248010. Previous = 550206 The maf files were extracted using the "Extract MAF blocks" tool, for TBA ENCODE alignments. The maf data are at
galaxy • 977 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.3 years ago by James Taylor320 • written 12.3 years ago by Ross Hardison270
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12.3 years ago by
James Taylor320
United States
James Taylor320 wrote:
Ross, The problem here is that there are multiple sequences with the name 'baboon.1'. In fact, in the ENCODE TBA alignments there is a different 'baboon.1' for every ENCODE region, so when you concatenate MAFs across multiple regions you get a result that GMAJ (rightly) cannot understand. To correct this I think the only thing we can do is change the MAFs provided by the encode group so that every orthologous sequence has a unique name across encode regions. So baboon.1 -> baboon.ENm001_1, and so on. All, would such a change break any existing tools / analysis? -- jt
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.3 years ago by James Taylor320
No conflicts on my end. Actually, it would be a rather convenient (and accurate) annotation to refer to the aligned species by region. -David
ADD REPLYlink written 12.3 years ago by D C King10
This sounds like the correct solution, and I cannot think of any tools which would be broken by doing this. Dan
ADD REPLYlink written 12.3 years ago by Dan Blankenberg130
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