Question: Galaxy And Arabidopsis
gravatar for Vesselin Baev
10.1 years ago by
Vesselin Baev50 wrote:
Dear All, Is it possible (and how) for Galaxy to work with Arabidopsis genome? Vesko -- Dr. Vesselin Baev Research Assistant Professor University of Plovdiv Dept. Molecular Biology Bioinformatics Group Tzar Assen 24 Plovdiv 4000, BULGARIA +359 32 261 (560) +359 89 43 80 945 Skype: vebaev
galaxy • 598 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840 • written 10.1 years ago by Vesselin Baev50
gravatar for Greg Von Kuster
10.1 years ago by
Greg Von Kuster840 wrote:
Hello Vesselin, Sorry for the delay in my reply. This is not in our development plans at the current time, but we'll let you know if this changes in the future. Thanks very much for your interest in Galaxy. Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840
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