Question: Arabidopsis Tair9 Genome In Galaxy?
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8.3 years ago by
Loraine, Ann150
United States
Loraine, Ann150 wrote:
Hello, Please the TAIR9 genome to Galaxy next-gen tools for use with BowTie. I made a "fasta" file you could use for this - it's here: thaliana_Jun_2009.fa.gz The genome version should be called: A_thaliana_Jun_2009 or TAIR9 for best compatibility with Integrated Genome Browser Arabidopsis researchers (and many others!) use IGB to visualize tiling array results, annotations, EST alignments, Illumina short read alignments, and various other types of data. The genome file is from the Arabidopsis Information Resource. If you need to contact them about this, just write to Thank you and very best wishes! Ann Loraine ____________________ Ann Loraine Associate Professor Dept. of Bioinformatics and Genomics, UNCC North Carolina Research Campus 600 Laureate Way Kannapolis, NC 28081 704-250-5750
alignment bowtie • 695 views
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