Question: Cannot Upload File To Data Library
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6.4 years ago by
CL20 wrote:
Hi all, I created an account in our local Galaxy instance and it's a non-admin one. I have set up Galaxy (I have an account that's an admin) so that my user account can upload files to a data library. But when I tried doing it, I got the following error: The directory <some folder="" here=""> contains no valid files. I checked the path to the folder and it was correct. I also checked if I had really placed the FASTQ file inside the folder and I found the file there. Why is Galaxy telling me that there is no valid file within the folder when there's a file present within the directory? Thank you in advance for any help! CL
galaxy • 1.0k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 6.4 years ago by CL20
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6.4 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello, I believe that you also posted this question to the mailing list (at the end of a longer thread). If all the permission issues are worked out, then there may be some other setting that is incorrect. It is not clear if you are using the option "Auto-detect" or if you are specifying the file type. You might try modifying the extension on the files to be ".fastq" instead of ".fq" (if the file type has been specified as FASTQ, or you want it to be interpreted as FASTQ) since this is what Galaxy would label the datatype. For reference, this is the wiki help: 0Files Hopefully this helps. If you still have problems, then the list is still the best place to resolve local install issues, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
Hi Jen, I retried uploading from my folder. This time I indicated the file type to be uploaded and I also changed the extension to .fastq. But I still get the problem. Indeed, I posted this question in the galaxy-dev forum. I just thought I'd post it here since it's a user problem as well. Anyway, thank you for the reply! I've already scanned those wiki pages and I didn't come across a suggestion that could help fix the issue. Cheers, CL
ADD REPLYlink written 6.4 years ago by CL20
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