Is it obligatory to move to mySQL and others options for production, or I can work also as it is -
Is it obligatory to move to mySQL and others options for production, or I can work also as it is -
Yes, it is highly recommended to switch to PostgreSQL for a production server (e.g in order to omit data-locks, when two or more users accessing galaxy at the same time).
WRT the other recommendations: it all depends on how many users, how much data, what kind of tools, etc your galaxy server is used for. But in general these are all very good suggestions to implement.
Regards, Hans-Rudolf
Hi Ve379,
If you follow step by step what is written on the wiki, it should work with no problems. The page is really well documented. I have had many bugs with mysql database, so I recommend you PostgreSQL for your production instance.
It will be used by less than 5 users, mainly NGS analysis - bowtie, tophat, SAM, BAM analysis, visualizations, etc