Question: Re: [Galaxy-Dev] Configuring Mysql For Galaxy (And Vice Versa)
gravatar for Jeremy Goecks
8.6 years ago by
Jeremy Goecks2.2k
Jeremy Goecks2.2k wrote:
Hi Bastien, Please make sure to cc the galaxy-user and galaxy-dev lists as they help your questions reach a wider audience. In fact, I'm sure there are people on these lists that have more DB knowledge than myself. That said, you're spot on in your thinking. Galaxy uses a single database (galaxy, in your case), so you can setup a "Galaxy" mysql user to have rights only on that DB; specifying localhost provides another layer of security as well. Best, J.
galaxy • 656 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.6 years ago by Chevreux, Bastien10 • written 8.6 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k
gravatar for Chevreux, Bastien
8.6 years ago by
Chevreux, Bastien10 wrote:
Ooooops. Didn't even realise that. I'm too used to mailing lists using a "ReplyTo:". Thanks, exactly the info I searched for. If a dev is reading this: may I suggest putting that kind of info (database connection with a user and setting up user/database ready-to-use for Galaxy) onto the Wiki page about running a production server? Databases and a system like Galaxy are intimidating enough for people not regularly working with them :-) Best, Bastien -- DSM Nutritional Products AG R&D Human Nutrition & Health Bioinformatics - Bldg. 203 / 115 P.O. Box 2676 CH-4002 Basel / Switzerland Tel. +41 61 815 8264 DISCLAIMER : This e-mail is for the intended recipient only If you have received it by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system; access, disclosure, copying, distribution or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited. If you as intended recipient have received this e-mail incorrectly, please notify the sender (via e-mail) immediately.
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.6 years ago by Chevreux, Bastien10
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