Question: PARCLIP analysis with Galaxy.
gravatar for rajivshivan
5 days ago by
rajivshivan0 wrote:

do u have any Tutorial for PARCLIP analysis with Galaxy? I am new to the Galaxy platform.

par-clip galaxy gtn learn • 44 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4 days ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 5 days ago by rajivshivan0
gravatar for Flow
4 days ago by
Flow100 wrote:

Hey, you can find some training material for a eCLIP data analysis on Galaxy here. You would have to change some things in the workflow to allow for PARCLIP data, such as: skip the UMI detection step. Furthermore, if your read library is in single end, which is quite often for PARCLIP, then pay attention to the adapter removal, mapping and peak detection step and set them on single end. So basically, play around :).

If you are new to Galaxy then maybe follow these tutorials here. They give you a good understanding about the basics.

ADD COMMENTlink written 4 days ago by Flow100
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