Question: Small Rna Analysis
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7.0 years ago by
United States
shamsher jagat590 wrote:
I posted this question previously- IS there any work flow for analysis of microRNA/ small RNA in galaxy, please. I have run microRNA sequencing for control and treated cells. Thanks
galaxy • 1.4k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.0 years ago by Luciano Cosme220 • written 7.0 years ago by shamsher jagat590
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7.0 years ago by
Luciano Cosme220
Luciano Cosme220 wrote:
Hi, I have been using Galaxy for manipulation of data sets and you can run analysis on DSAP or use miRNAkey . Well there are other options as well, but these are pretty easy to use. Luciano
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.0 years ago by Luciano Cosme220
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