Question: Filtering Fastq File According To Qual Score
gravatar for Haluk Dogan
7.3 years ago by
Haluk Dogan20
Haluk Dogan20 wrote:
Hi, I am trying to filter my fastq file with the condition of if quality score of reads is less then min score. So far, I have tried both *fastq_quality_filter* and *Filter FASTQ under NGS: QC and manipulation** *but I was not be able to do it. In the following you can see my fastq file. @F4HZV5G02CX6WP rank=0000096 x=1092.0 y=1767.0 length=45 TTGAGCAGCGGCGTCACGGCGGCGGCCTCGGCGGCCGCATAGGCG + FFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHFFDDBDA> And these are quality scores. [37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 39, 37, 37, 35, 35, 33, 35, 32, 29] I want to filter bases if their quality scores are less than 33. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -- HD
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.3 years ago by Florent Angly370 • written 7.3 years ago by Haluk Dogan20
gravatar for Florent Angly
7.3 years ago by
Florent Angly370
Florent Angly370 wrote:
Hi Haluk, By filtering, you mean removing reads? trimming their ends? or masking some of their bases? There are 3 tools under "Generic FASTQ manipulation" that may help you: Filter FASTQ reads by quality score and length FASTQ Quality Trimmer by sliding window FASTQ Masker by quality score Regards, Florent
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.3 years ago by Florent Angly370
Hi Florent, I actually want to do removing respected bases if their quality score is less than my threshold. I had been able to do masking those bases by using FASTQ Masker by quality score tool. But I haven't gone even one step further for removing bases. After your reply, I got suspicious. Am I trying to do something wrong in theory? Thanks in advance. -- HD
ADD REPLYlink written 7.3 years ago by Haluk Dogan20
Hi Haluk, It is definitely not conventional to remove bases that have low quality, because this disrupts the DNA sequence and may introduce frameshifts. It is typically better to trim the ends of the sequence, or to remove it altogether if its quality does not match your requirements. Regards, Florent
ADD REPLYlink written 7.3 years ago by Florent Angly370
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