Question: failed my fastqc Quality Control process
gravatar for modarzi
7 months ago by
modarzi0 wrote:

Hi, I downloaded sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq file. Now I want to check its quality via fastqc software in linux. I run fastqc command with name of file and I see below messages:

"Started analysis of sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 5% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 10% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 15% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 20% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 25% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 30% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 35% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 40% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 45% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 50% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 55% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 60% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 65% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 70% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 75% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 80% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 85% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 90% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Approx 95% complete for sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq

Failed to process file sra_data_SRR1427482.fastq Ran out of data in the middle of a fastq entry. Your file is probably truncated at at at at"

As you see, after progress above 95%, my quality process would be failed. I appreciate if any body help and share his/her experience with me. Best regards, Mohammad

rna-seq software error • 606 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 7 months ago by modarzi0
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7 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


This forum is for using Galaxy General bioinformatics questions are better asked at,, and sometimes tool/domain specific forums (google groups, etc).

That said, the error indicates that your fastq input has a format problem (truncated record). This could mean that the data from SRA/NCBI was not downloaded completely or some manipulation after corrupted the file. It will need to be corrected before using FastQC or any other analysis tool, line-command or within Galaxy.

For help with line-command usage and/or interpreting results (including those produced by Galaxy), consult the FastQC help

If you want to do this in Galaxy instead, get SRA data directly loaded with Download and Extract Reads in FASTA/Q format from NCBI SRA and then use FastQC. Sometimes data from this source needs to be standardized, help for that is here in our Support FAQs:

Galaxy tutorials: Those at the top work at Galaxy Main Start with the 101. The other first five cover usage basics in more detail and those are followed by example analysis tutorials.

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 7 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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