Question: (Closed) interogation of micro rna in livercirhosis using ngs data (galaxy software)
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8 months ago by
seyadshefrin0 wrote:

hi there

I was using galaxy software online for alighning my mirna seq data . i have a queasion is it appropriate to use reference genome hg19 for mirna seq data in bowtie step. i am getting a vcf file in 40 to 60 mb size with most of the alteration are <*> symbal. anyone kindly explain the meaning of it

bowtie vcf cufflinks • 295 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 8 months ago by seyadshefrin0

Hello seyadshefrin!

Questions similar to yours can already be found at:

We have closed your question to allow us to keep similar content in the same thread.

If you disagree with this please tell us why in a reply below. We'll be happy to talk about it.


PS: The tools you mention do not produce VCF output but the link explains the content. Galaxy tutorials:
ADD REPLYlink written 8 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

yes but y am i getting it so frequently wen i m trying to alighn

ADD REPLYlink written 8 months ago by seyadshefrin0
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