Question: Many files are not found by Galaxy (Docker container) but present via command line
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9 months ago by
brandaom10 wrote:

Hello there I have installed Galaxy docker container but some weird behavior is occurring when try to access files for download or execution. The docker instance is under an apache proxy on a CentOS 7 based server. I have edited /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and inserted the following line in a way to serve Galaxy thru apache, already installed on our server: ProxyPass /galaxy

When I try to download any results from my history I got this:

    **Not Found**
The resource could not be found. 
No route for /_x_accel_redirect/export/galaxy-central/database/files/000/dataset_79.dat

But, accessing /export/galaxy-central/database/files/000/dataset_79.dat I can see this file and its contents. Why it is sending the /_x_accel_redirect/ ? My previous galaxy installation, not on docker, it was working like a charm. Any ideas or clues to help us to solve this? My best regards


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