Question: Not able to re-start Galaxy
gravatar for twan.kranenburg
13 months ago by
twan.kranenburg0 wrote:

Dear all,

At the moment I'm trying to set-up an in-house Galaxy server. The tutorial on Galaxy is quite clear on this, and I managed to do so by installing a Virtual machine with Libunto, and then running the following code: $ sudo apt-get install git-all $ git clone -b release_17.05 cd /home/virtual/galaxy $ sh After that, I changed galaxy.ini.sample with host to host= and could open Galaxy on http://localhost:8080.

However, after some time, the 8080 did not show Galaxy anymore. I tried to get it back with $ sh -reload, but without success. Does anyone know what could be going wrong, or direct me to a similar post?

Kind regards,

galaxy • 528 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 13 months ago • written 13 months ago by twan.kranenburg0
gravatar for Martin Čech
13 months ago by
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
United States
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k wrote:

I tried to get it back with $ sh -reload, but without success

I am afraid this script does not have -reload capabilities. They way it is used in simple deployments is, that you interrupt the terminal where runs (with ctrl+c) and then start it again. There are other options like using supervisor that can be used to make this more robust.

Let me know if you want more details on that.

ADD COMMENTlink modified 13 months ago • written 13 months ago by Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
gravatar for twan.kranenburg
13 months ago by
twan.kranenburg0 wrote:

Dear Martin Cech,

Thank you for your answer. The Supervisor tool looks quite interesting. Can you give me advice on how to reboot Galaxy with or without the Supervisor tool?

Kind regards,

ADD COMMENTlink written 13 months ago by twan.kranenburg0

Hi - This is how to shut down the current process so you can restart it:

Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD REPLYlink written 13 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for twan.kranenburg
13 months ago by
twan.kranenburg0 wrote:

Thank you both for your answers.

Stopping Galaxy with Crtl+C worked (I think). However, when I want to restart it I get the following error: ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No Section: 'app:main''. Did any of you encountered this error before?

ADD COMMENTlink written 13 months ago by twan.kranenburg0

This most probably means the configuration file of the Galaxy is corrupted. Check for the file config/galaxy.ini It should look similar in formatting to config/galaxy.ini.sample. Try renaming the current galaxy.ini and creating new one from galaxy.ini.sample.

ADD REPLYlink modified 13 months ago • written 13 months ago by Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
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