Question: I am having trouble with Cut, it does not seem to be recognizing a table I just created
katherine.whybourne • 0 wrote:
I am having trouble with Cut, it does not seem to be recognizing a table I just created Help!
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modified 14 months ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
14 months ago by
katherine.whybourne • 0
It looks like your Cut operation went through and the resulting output interval dataset is recognizable by tools.
If you need more help, please let us know.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
Actually I found that for some reason my dataset created by the previous join, attribute was set to data, so I reset it to BED and it then recognized the dataset in Cut.
so the problem was in the format that the join left the data in.
Ok, that's interesting, thanks for writing back. I'll walk through the tutorial and see if I can reproduce. The datatype for Join output should be tabular.
Update: we can reproduce and are troubleshooting
I am doing the courser course on galaxy with James Taylor. Apparently I am not the only one encountering this as I found the solution to above in a forum discussion. I am so new, am appreciative of the help! This is a whole new world for me! Thank you again for the assistance!