HI There,
I tried to install the tool Unified Genotyper from the tool shed, and I was unable to do it.
Details follows,
Name: Unified Genotyper SNP and indel caller Type: Unrestricted Revision: 0 (2014-04-01) Owner : devteam
So I tried to add this tool manually into the galaxy local instance. I downloaded the tool from the following link. toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/unified_genotyper/gatk_unified_genotyper/0.0.6
Then I followed the instructions provided by the galaxy in the following link. https://galaxyproject.org/admin/tools/add-tool-tutorial/
The tool showed up once in the Tool panel and doesn't show up anymore. Can someone please help me on this?
Thank you very much!!!