Question: Error status when I install bwa tool shed
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14 months ago by
New York
18Kbeyond20 wrote:

I followed the steps here to install bwa (aln) to my local galaxy instance but it gives an error status. /home/galaxy/galaxy/Makefile shows RELEASE_CURR:=16.01 so I guess my galaxy version is 16.01

What I tried:

Log in as admin on the web ;

Click on "Search Tool Shed" under "Tools and Tool Shed" ;

Click on "Galaxy Main Tool Shed" ;

Type in "bwa" ;

Click on "bwa_0_7_5" ;

Click on "preview and install" ;

Click on "install to galaxy" ;

Check the box that "When available, install externally managed dependencies (e.g. conda)? Beta" ;

Select existing tool panel section ;

Click on "install" ;

bwa toolshed install • 469 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 14 months ago • written 14 months ago by 18Kbeyond20


Upgrade to the latest release 17_05 then try again. The way dependencies are managed has changed significantly since the release you are using. Both Galaxy and the newest tools have changed.

Release notes:

Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD REPLYlink written 14 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

Hi Jen, thank you very much. I followed this post to upgrade galaxy.

However, I see from the Makefile that it's still "RELEASE_CURR:=16.01".

What I did:

ls .git

git checkout release_17.05 && git pull --ff-only origin release_17.05

git pull

sh upgrade

Anyway it seems to be upgrading but after that when I run "sh", I still can't install bwa - same error status.

ADD REPLYlink modified 14 months ago • written 14 months ago by 18Kbeyond20
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14 months ago by
New York
18Kbeyond20 wrote:

UPDATE: problem solved:

need to change the tool_path in shed_tool_conf.xml file and make sure the path is real.

My problem might have nothing to do with upgrading the galaxy version. Thank you all the same.

ADD COMMENTlink written 14 months ago by 18Kbeyond20

Great, glad this worked out and thanks for posting back your solution! Jen

ADD REPLYlink written 14 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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