Question: Only First 5000 Reads Are Displayed In This Tile
gravatar for Jeremy Chien
7.6 years ago by
Jeremy Chien10
Jeremy Chien10 wrote:
Hi During the visualization of my mRNAseq data, some area have red line indicating that only the first 5000 reads are displayed. Within this region, some area have many reads. Some area, where exons exist, I don't see any reads. How do I interpret the data? If there are no reads shown in the visualization, although there is a read line saying only the first 5000 reads are displayed, does the absence of reads corresponding to a particular exon means it is not expressed? Thanks, Jeremy
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.6 years ago by Kanwei Li270 • written 7.6 years ago by Jeremy Chien10
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7.6 years ago by
Kanwei Li270
Kanwei Li270 wrote:
Hi Jeremy, The limit means that for the span where the red line is, only the first 5000 features sorted by start position, starting from the tile with the red line, is shown. That usually means it will cut off at some point midway through the tile.. it doesn't indicate that the blank part of the tile has no data. We're working on making this better so that you can at least see some data where the blank space is. Thanks, Kanwei
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.6 years ago by Kanwei Li270
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