Question: Visualization issue in Trackster on local instance
gravatar for Philipe Moncuquet
3.5 years ago by
Philipe Moncuquet40 wrote:


I have added my comment to the following post (Visualizing BowTie2 BAM File?) but was unsure of the visibility. 

I am trying to visualize some NGS read alignment file in trackster on my local instance. I have tested the same visualization on the main instance and it worked well so there is nothing wrong with the file itself. It has to come from some configuration of my local instance. See screenshot below :

My track

the track in the main instance

You can see that the one on the main instance has the display of the reference sequence but not mine. In addition, it is not clear on this area but variants appears in reads (one colored letter) on the main instance but not on mine.


Any ideas where this might come from and how to fix it ?






ADD COMMENTlink written 3.5 years ago by Philipe Moncuquet40
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