I have data from Illumina, as part1,fastq and part 2.fastq. First thing is that I want to join them together. The thing is when I wanted to use FASTQ joiner, it showed "No fastqsanger or fastqcssanger dataset available. Then, I turned to use "Pear Paired-End read merger", and it showed the part1.fastq as well as part2.fastq. Another example is that when I followed the Galaxy 101, I followed the protocol till "2.0. Joining exons with SNPs" step. I couldn't continue because the "Join" tool showed "No interval dataset available". Do you guys have the similar situation? How could I fix it? I will appreciate if I can get any feedbacks!
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Question: Why I can't use some of the tools
chenchen7 • 0 wrote:
yena.oh • 70 wrote:
For FASTQ joiner to work, your fastq files need to have its quality format changed to a fastqsanger format. This is done using the FASTQ Groomer tool. Run Groomer on your fastq files, then try doing running FASTQ joiner.
Hope this helps!
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