I wish to visualize some bigwig files generated from bamCoverage tools in the UCSC genome browser (human hg19) but unfortunately I see only the links for "display on IGV/IGB". I did this before but this time the link for the UCSC is missing. Do you know any work around?
EDIT: Sorry for not being clear, I'm using Galaxy main:
I aligned the reads to hg19 with BWA, filtered (Samtools Filter BAM) the low quality mappings and non-canonical contigs and removed duplicates (Samtools RmDup) thus resuting in the BAM file used.
Which Galaxy instance are you using? If you're using the DeepTools2 Galaxy server then this tended not to work, so I think I disabled it (it didn't work due to institute firewall policies).
Galaxy main, sorry for not being specific. Thanks.