Question: Bowtie
gravatar for Sher, Falak
7.6 years ago by
Sher, Falak80
Sher, Falak80 wrote:
Hi Experts, I have single end Illumina reads from ChIP-Seq experiment. The files have encoding Illumina 1.5, and the sequence length is 76bp. After basic FastQc I want to map the sequences using Bowtie. My question is: do I need to split my reads (farward and backward) before running mapping tool? In one of Galaxy screen shorts reads are spitted while not in the other. Thank you in advance, F
alignment bowtie • 975 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.6 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 7.6 years ago by Sher, Falak80
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7.6 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello Falak, Single your data is single end, there should be no forward/reverse sequence data to split, you can just run Bowtie in a single run. Hopefully this helps, Best, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.6 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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