Hi All,
I am a newbie to Galaxy and Bioblend programming and have problem to find out the the name and format of the input parameter which ToolClient.run_tool call for a particular tool needs.
For example, I am trying to use FASTQ Groomer tool as the following:
from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance
from bioblend.galaxy.histories import HistoryClient
from bioblend.galaxy.libraries import LibraryClient
from bioblend.galaxy.tools import ToolClient
gi = GalaxyInstance(url='GALAXY_URL', key='MY_KEY')
history_id = id1
data_id = id2
tool_id = id3
params = {}
toolClient = ToolClient(gi)
toolClient.run_tool(history_id = history_id, tool_id = tool_id, params)
My question is how should I define tool input params? Is there any place either on Galaxy or in tool development site where one can find the syntax of input params?
Thanks in advance.