Question: Bioblend - toolClient.run_tool does not work with more than one params ?
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4.1 years ago by
lindfors.erno30 wrote:

Hi all,

My purpose is to run a Galaxy tool with two parameters from command line via BioBlend.

More specifically I am running the following code:

from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance
from bioblend.galaxy.histories import HistoryClient
from import ToolClient
from bioblend.galaxy.datasets import DatasetClient

galaxyInstance = GalaxyInstance(url=GALAXY_URL, key=API_KEY)
historyClient = HistoryClient(galaxyInstance)
toolClient = ToolClient(galaxyInstance)
datasetClient = DatasetClient(galaxyInstance)
history = historyClient.create_history('tmp')
inputFile1 = toolClient.upload_file(pathName1, history['id'], type='txt')
inputFile2 = toolClient.upload_file(pathName2, history['id'], type='txt')
params = {TOOL_ID_IN_GALAXY: {'input_numbers_001':{'src': 'hda', 'id': inputFile1['outputs'][0]['id']},'input_numbers_002':{'src': 'hda', 'id': inputFile2['outputs'][0]['id']}}}
output = toolClient.run_tool(history_id=history['id'], tool_id=TOOL_ID, tool_inputs=params)

This does not work properly - Galaxy server's log says that both input parameters 'input_numbers_001' and 'input_numbers_002' have the content of inputFile2.
But my purpose is of course to have the content of inputFile1 in 'input_numbers_001'.

I have a strong intuition that maybe I am not setting parameters correctly in
params = {TOOL_ID_IN_GALAXY: {...}".
I have done this by following the high-level instructions given in in

Does anybody know how to set the parameters correctly?
Or do you think the source of the error is somewhere else?

Thanks in advance,
Erno Lindfors

bioblend software error galaxy • 1.7k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.1 years ago by jmchilton1.1k • written 4.1 years ago by lindfors.erno30
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4.1 years ago by
United States
jmchilton1.1k wrote:

I believe you are defining params incorrectly here - the reason input_numbers_001 and input_numbers_002 are the same is that the API doesn't think you are attempting to set either so that field is defaulting to the newest history item (like the UI). I assume input_numbers_001 and input_numbers_002 are just data parameters at the top level of the tool? If so, then params should just be 

'input_numbers_001':{'src': 'hda', 'id': inputFile1['outputs'][0]['id']},
'input_numbers_002':{'src': 'hda', 'id': inputFile2['outputs'][0]['id']}


ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.1 years ago by Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k • written 4.1 years ago by jmchilton1.1k

Thanks, this solved the problem!
And yes, they are just data parameters at the top level of the tool.

With best regards,
Erno Lindfors

ADD REPLYlink written 4.1 years ago by lindfors.erno30
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