Hi all,
Is there a way to access a content of Galaxy's output file without opening a web browser?
I have implemented a simple test on Galaxy server that just writes a string to an output file.
I have the following configuration file.
<tool id="ReadOutputTest_R" name="ReadOutputTest" version="1.1.0">
<description>This is a simple test for reading a content of output file.</description>
<command interpreter="Rscript">ReadOutputTest.R $out_file</command>
<data format="txt" name="out_file" />
<requirement type="set_environment">R_SCRIPT_PATH</requirement>
<requirement type="package" version="3.2.3">R</requirement>
And below is the content of ReadOutputTest.R.
args = commandArgs(T)
out_fname = args[1]
outputMatrix <- matrix(1,1)
outputMatrix[1,1] <- "Content of output file"
write.table(outputMatrix, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, file=out_fname, quote=FALSE)
Below is a python script that I have been using to access the output of ReadOutputTest.
from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance
from bioblend.galaxy.histories import HistoryClient
from bioblend.galaxy.tools import ToolClient
from bioblend.galaxy.datasets import DatasetClient
TOOL_CATEG_ID = 'my_tools'
TOOL_ID = 'ReadOutputTest_R'
galaxyInstance = GalaxyInstance(url=GALAXY_URL, key=API_KEY)
historyClient = HistoryClient(galaxyInstance)
toolClient = ToolClient(galaxyInstance)
datasetClient = DatasetClient(galaxyInstance)
history = historyClient.create_history('tmp')
output = toolClient.run_tool(history_id=history['id'], tool_id=TOOL_ID, tool_inputs={})
outputDatasetId = output['outputs'][0]['id']
outputId = datasetClient.show_dataset(outputDatasetId, hda_ldda='hda')['id']
outputUrl = GALAXY_URL + '/datasets/' + outputId + '/display/?preview=True'
print outputUrl
I can access the content of Galaxy output by giving the outputUrl on web browser.
But I would like to access this content in python (i.e. store it in a python variable).
My intuition says perhaps the following method could be helpful.
datasetOutput = datasetClient.show_stdout(outputDatasetId)
print "datasetOutput: %s" % datasetOutput
But for some reason it returns:
datasetOutput: None
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Question: Bioblend - Accessing a content of Galaxy output without opening a web browser ?
lindfors.erno • 30 wrote:
• link
modified 2.8 years ago
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
2.8 years ago by
lindfors.erno • 30
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k wrote:
If you want to download a dataset you can use bioblend.galaxy.datasets.DatasetClient.download_dataset method described here: bioblend docs
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