I have tried several workflows that I constructed, one is very simple to see why it isn't working. Also imported one from galaxy (00-ngs-fastqc-trimmomatic-nextera). When I go to edit, the chain appears, but when I hit run, the middle pane is blank. I works fine on a nearby computer, a mac, but not on this computer. If I do the work under Analyze Data, everything goes fine. What do I need to do?
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Question: Workflow will not start on my computer
jeandubach • 10 wrote:
• link
modified 16 months ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
16 months ago by
jeandubach • 10
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
It is difficult to know what is going on.
In general, when accessing a public or intranet Galaxy it should not matter what kind of computer you are using to access it. But it does matter which browser you are using in some cases, especially for PCs. Try using Chrome or Safari for best results. If using a different browser does not help, could you please clarify:
- The internet connection is the same between the two computers?
- Are you using a public server to execute the workflow? Galaxy Main (http://usegalaxy.org) or another?
- Are you logged in to an account? And not logged into that account from more than one computer?
- Are you instead using a local Galaxy or one hosted internally? Is it a different instance between the two computers? There could be a problem with the local install on the computer having problems. Contacting the administrator of that instance to troubleshoot is probably the quickest way to a solution.
Thanks and let us know if the above does not help, Jen, Galaxy team
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