Question: Adding a visualization plugin to a galaxy local toolshed
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16 months ago by
l.per0 wrote:

Hi everybody,

I am currently working on a galaxy visualization plugin which I would like to share with my colleagues. As it stands, they devised a local toolshed where I can upload my tools and which works very well for uploading tools with their wrappers.

However, I have no idea how to upload a visualization plugin so that they can directly install it from the admin menu.

I tried looking for answers but have not found a solution yet.

Any advice is welcome!


ADD COMMENTlink modified 16 months ago • written 16 months ago by l.per0
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16 months ago by
l.per0 wrote:

Hi everyone,

I will be answering my own post, but I got an answer to my question :

" the Tool Shed does not yet support visualisations. But you can submit your visualisation directly to the Galaxy codebase. For example have a look at this PR: Hope this helps, Bjoern "


ADD COMMENTlink written 16 months ago by l.per0
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