I want to create a page through the galaxy and import some gene expression and other data which I got from Immport. Data are in SQL format and I used RImmPort analysis package in R to analysis the data. I need to know how can I start to build my own local galaxy pages and upload the Immport data into it and develop the visualization in that?
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Question: Creating galaxy pages with Immport Data
Sara Mohammadi • 50 wrote:
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modified 2.4 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
2.4 years ago by
Sara Mohammadi • 50
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
Pages incorporate other Galaxy objects (Datasets, Histories, Workflows, and Visualizations). Start by loading the data in a format accepted by Galaxy. Tabular might be a good choice, but BED, Interval, GTF, and others are options with the native visualization tool Trackster.
Pages do not have a step-by-step tutorial (but possibly should!). However, there are just a few functions and linking in other existing Galaxy objects is one of them. View the list of current published Pages at http://usegalaxy.org for examples of how others format these. Galaxy Objects are defined here.
If you get stuck using a specific Page function, write back with the details and we can help more.
Take care, Jen, Galaxy team
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