Question: negative and positive fold change for a set of unigenes with similar gene ids in a single condition
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20 months ago by
huge_ashes0 wrote:

I am struck with a little thing. I have differential expression from RNA Seq data from two conditions in a non-model species. Now its time for enrichment. According to the blast annotations of some unigenes, as per their gene ids, they are both up and down regulated under same condition. Can someone help me resolve this? Am I doing anything wrong?

rna-seq • 548 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 20 months ago • written 20 months ago by huge_ashes0

I presume you're seeing two transcripts of what is really a single gene (that or it became two separate genes in the organism you're looking at).

ADD REPLYlink written 20 months ago by Devon Ryan1.9k
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