22 months ago by
United States
Upload the data in tabular format to start with (export from Excel first, or much better - skip cycling through Excel and load the tabular data from Geo into Galaxy directly as-is). Many tools in the group Text manipulation and others (Select, Filter), graph/run statistics on numerical data, and parse tabular datasets can be used for the data reduction/summary tasks.
If you need more help, please be specific. Geo data can be exported/retrieved in various formats, including custom tabular. Share a snippet of the exact tabular data (preserve format by using the "101/010" button to set display as "code" - or use something like a Gist link) - and the community here can offer advice/details about which tool/s to use.
Help at NCBI for reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/info/faq.html
Best, Jen, Galaxy team