Question: snpEff gene names
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20 months ago by
anjeetjhutty0 wrote:


I am new to snpEff. I built my database for my sample using gff3 files created from PROKKA. It has the ##gff-version 3, and the nine field you would expect. In the "attributes" field, I have :

  • ID
  • Name
  • Gene
  • Inference
  • Source
  • Locus_tag
  • Product
  • Protein ID

I then ran snpEff using a vcf corresponding to this database. It works but in the text file breakdown instead of giving me gene name and gene ID, it gives me gene ID twice. Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?



snpeff gff3 annotation gtf gff • 599 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 20 months ago by anjeetjhutty0
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