Question: Unnamed Histories
Pieter Neerincx • 360 wrote:
Yet another question: is there a way to control when to get a new
unnamed history? Currently I get a new one 9 out of 10 times when I
don't need one and when I do need one I can't get one.
I'm running galaxy with authentication using a remote ldap server.
When I log in I get a new unnamed history, but often I just want to
continue where I left the day before. As a result I have all these
unnamed histories piling up. At first a deleted them, but then when I
needed a new history I could not create one. The only option was to
log out and log in again, but the logout button is disabled, because
"User controls are disabled when Galaxy is configured for external
authentication." Therefore I have to restart my browser loosing the
other tabs and windows I had open. So for now I keep a limited supply
of spare unnamed histories, but it would be more convenient if galaxy
would not automatically create new histories and provide a button to
create one if you want one.
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