Tool: Get macro conditional value
gravatar for chicken8duck
22 months ago by
chicken8duck0 wrote:


I am making a module for galaxy.

This module is supposed to show different parameters based on what option in a dropdown menu is selected.

If a is selected then: options int:c textInput:d float:f will show.

if b is selected then: options int:i int:j int:k will show.

So far I have accomplished this using the following layout:

        <conditional name="selection" type="select">
        <param name="select" type="select" label="Select">
            <option value="svm" selected="True" >SVM</option>

          <when value="svm">
              <expand macro="svm_expanded"/>

The macro contains: Note: The macros are contained in a different file and are imported in the beginning of the tool

  <xml name="svm_expanded">
<conditional name="svm_kernel">
    <param argument="--kernel" name="kernel" type="select" label="Pick the kernel" >
        <option value="linear" selected="true">Linear</option>
        <option value="poly">Polynomial</option>
    <when value="linear" />

My question is, how can I get what kernel is selected and pass it into my python script.

This is how I am sending information to my script.

    <command interpreter="python">
    #if  $ == "svm" $input svm 
    #end if
tool galaxy • 502 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 22 months ago • written 22 months ago by chicken8duck0
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