Does Galaxy delete your files if they haven't been used in a long time? I have two histories from 2013 that I'm trying to archive and it looks like a bunch of the raw fastq files have been deleted??? I don't think I did this. The history size is still claiming it's 62GB and 38GB but when I archive the data it is only giving me 4.3 GB after it's uncompressed, and all the original fastq files are marked as deleted and removed from disk in the histories. (Admin edit) What is going on?
Where are you using Galaxy? The public server at will only remove data that is marked as permanently deleted (purged) by the user.
Some other Galaxy sites do purge datasets based on age and/or deleted/perm deleted status, as this is a configurable function. The administrator of the instance you are working on can be contacted if the data retention guidelines are not declared on their home page or linked resources.
Please let us know if you need more help. Jen, Galaxy team
I'm using the Galaxy main server
If you want to send an email to from the same email address that your Galaxy account is registered under we can take a look at the dataset status timeline (active vs deleted vs perm deleted). Please note the history names, the dataset numbers that you think were not marked as perm deleted in each (that are now purged), and a link to this post so we can associate the two.