I have tried launching Cloudman and Galaxy following the instructions here: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan/GettingStarted
without success.
After filling out the "Create a cluster" launch form, I get directed to a page that after a few minutes tells me:
Hmm, this seems to be taking longer than usual. It may be best if you checked on that instance... etc
An instance of type C3.large, as specified, does start, but I am unable to connect to the cloud manager using the url: http://INSTANCEPUBLICADDRESS/cloud or https://INSTANCEPUBLICADDRESS/cloud
I tried multiple combination of parameters when filling out the launch form, including specifying and not specifying some of the "Advanced Options"
I am pasting below one of the set of options that I tried (X'ing out the sensitive field values). Any troubleshooting or an alternate more manual instructions would be greatly appreciated.
Marco Ocana
access_key: !!python/unicode 'XXXXXXXX'
bucket_default: !!python/unicode 'genomespace_galaxy_dev'
cloud_name: !!python/unicode 'Amazon - Virginia'
cluster_name: !!python/unicode 'galaxy_dev_cluster'
custom_image_id: !!python/unicode ''
custom_instance_type: !!python/unicode ''
ebs_optimized: !!python/unicode 'False'
extra_user_data: !!python/unicode ''
freenxpass: !!python/unicode 'XXXXXX'
initial_cluster_type: !!python/unicode 'Galaxy'
instance_type: !!python/unicode 'c3.large'
iops: !!python/unicode ''
key_pair: !!python/unicode '16609'
password: !!python/unicode 'XXXXXXXX'
public_ip: null
secret_key: !!python/unicode 'XXXXXXXXX'
storage_size: !!python/unicode '10'
storage_type: !!python/unicode 'volume'
subnet_id: !!python/unicode 'subnet-7fbe0d55'
task_id: f89e525b-404b-4096-889e-ac16ae9f5f91
worker_initial_count: !!python/unicode ''
cloud_type: !!python/unicode 'ec2'
ec2_conn_path: !!python/unicode '/'
ec2_port: null
is_secure: true
region_endpoint: !!python/unicode 'ec2.amazonaws.com'
region_name: !!python/unicode 'us-east-1'
s3_conn_path: !!python/unicode '/'
s3_host: !!python/unicode 's3.amazonaws.com'
s3_port: null
Hello Marco,
Are you prompted to enter your username and password when you reach the PUBLICIPADDRESS/cloud page?
Also, are you launching a new cluster or re-launching a saved cluster?
Cheers, Mo Heydarian