Question: Error Message
gravatar for Ross Hardison
12.8 years ago by
Ross Hardison270
United States
Ross Hardison270 wrote:
While using Galaxy ( , the following error message appeared: Application Error An unexpected error occurred in the Galaxy framework. The error has been logged. Show details? (for developers) exceptions.NameError at /tool_runner/index global name 'httptools' is not defined Python /var/opt/universe/trunk-test/galaxy/interfaces/ in index, line 24 Web GET Traceback (innermost first) /var/opt/universe/trunk-test/galaxy/interfaces/ in index return httptools.redirect( "/static/welcome.html" ) ... ▶ Local vars build/bdist.cygwin-1.5.12-i686/egg/cherrypy/ in main ▶ Local vars build/bdist.cygwin-1.5.12-i686/egg/cherrypy/ in run ▶ Local vars Response so far HEADERS Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2006 12:07:10 GMT Set-Cookie: [] Content-Length: Content-Type: text/html Server: CherryPy/2.1.1 BODY Request information INPUT No input data. COOKIES Variable Value universe Set-Cookie: universe=6488ab1b7e827b13fd5e85de2ef78ab7; session Set-Cookie: session=bd876117f1d3062e5902bbdf9e98e8533bc230ce; universe_ui Set-Cookie: universe_ui=info1%3Ainfo2;
galaxy • 868 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.8 years ago by Istvan Albert250 • written 12.8 years ago by Ross Hardison270
gravatar for Istvan Albert
12.8 years ago by
Istvan Albert250
University Park
Istvan Albert250 wrote:
Sorry about that, there are a few spots left that still try to make use of the previous version of the framework. We'll try to track these down and clean them up in a day or two. Istvan. -- Istvan Albert, Research Associate, Bioinformatics Consulting Center, Huck Institute for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.8 years ago by Istvan Albert250
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