Question: Some Questions
gravatar for Iris Vargas Jentzsch
12.4 years ago by
Iris Vargas Jentzsch50 wrote:
Dear GalaxyTeam members, I'm a PhD student at the University of Canterbury and I have been using Galaxy for about 3 weeks... It is an excellent program! Actually it is the kind of tool I was looking for many months and an awesome complement for the UCSC Genome Browser Until now I have worked mostly using the interface at which I guess is the test version. I have also installed the program in my linux session, however, I work more often in windows. Therefore I would like to know if you have a binary (or if you plan to make one) to run the program in windows? And a curiosity: where are the files from the history saved? What is the size limit for all the history files? Many thanks for your cool tool! Iris ====================================== Iris M. Vargas Jentzsch PhD Student School of Biological Sciences University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch - New Zealand phone: +64 (0) 3 364 2987 (7048) e-mail:
galaxy • 737 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.4 years ago by Dan Blankenberg130 • written 12.4 years ago by Iris Vargas Jentzsch50
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12.4 years ago by
Dan Blankenberg130 wrote:
Iris, Thanks for your interest. Galaxy will run under Windows if you have Cygwin ( installed. You will need make sure you have the latest version of Galaxy from SVN. Files are saved under "database/files/". There is no maximum file size in Galaxy, although certain filesystems do have limits (ie FAT32 has a max of 4GB). Let us know if you encounter a file size error. Don't hesitate to let us know if we can offer more help, Dan
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.4 years ago by Dan Blankenberg130
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