Question: match multiple tool ids in job_conf.xml with wildcard or just beginning of path?
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2.6 years ago by
idomtamir10 wrote:

Hi, I would like to shift all picard tools onto the cluster. So I would have to enter each tool separately. Is it possible to enter only e.g. the root and have all tools below this behaving similar? e.g. instead of:

<tool id="" destination="cluster_t2"/>
<tool id="" destination="cluster_t2"/>


<tool id="" destination="cluster_t2"/>


<tool id="" destination="cluster_t2"/>

would send all devteam maintained tool jobs to the cluster.

development job_conf.xml • 448 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.6 years ago • written 2.6 years ago by idomtamir10
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