Question: change access to Cloudman
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3 months ago by
c2c1210 wrote:

Dear all, I'd be grateful for help with the following issue. I have an account on and project in Genomics Virtual Lab (GVL) where I was performing bioinformatic analyses in Galaxy for my previous workplace. I'm no longer working there and I'd like to move the account to another user. Then she would start the cluster by herself and work with the datasets which are present there. How could it be done with the less effort? I was logging there using my google account so I don't want to provide my private password to her. I'm totally not familiar with Amazon computing, I created this cluster with the help of one of the lab members, but he is not very helpful with providing any information about how to deal with amazon account. I just want to transfer the whole Cloudman account to another person.

amazon galaxy cloudman • 88 views
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