Question: Bioblend - Getting all parameters for a Galaxy tool ?
lindfors.erno • 30 wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to get all parameters that a Galaxy tool has.
More specifically, I have managed to get all tool panels and tools by using the following code snippet.
import sys
from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance
from import ToolClient
galaxyInstance = GalaxyInstance(url=GALAXY_URL, key=API_KEY)
toolClient = ToolClient(galaxyInstance)
toolPanels = toolClient.get_tool_panel()
for toolPanel in toolPanels:
tools = toolPanel['elems']
Next, I would like to get all parameters that each tool has, something like this:
for tool in tools:
Is there anyway to do it?
Recently managed to google a solution:
for tool in tools:
toolShow = toolClient.show_tool(tool_id=tool['id'], io_details=True)
inputParams = toolShow['inputs']