Question: Is it possible to pass parameters from an url to a display application in Galaxy?
stephane.picq • 0 wrote:
Dear all,
I am trying to setup a way for a user to open a link from a galaxy instance to a gene.iobio viewer, and to make that viewer point to a specific gene. I have set up a display application similar to the one that points to, and I was wondering if it was possible to pass parameters in the url calling the display application, so that it could forward it to the resulting url.
Something like http://mygalaxy/display_application/someid/geneiobio_vcf/geneibio?param1=1¶m2=2 would turn to http://mygeneibio/?display_applications_params¶m1=1¶m2=2
I am also looking for a way to get the resulting url from a display application in a tool from the id of a dataset it that is possible.
Thanks in advance for any help.