Question: Can not connect FTP service for galaxy docker.
gravatar for huboqiang
3.2 years ago by
huboqiang0 wrote:

I met some trouble when using galaxy docker with the direction of for FTP connection.

I did:

docker run -d  -v /data/huboqiang:/export/ --net=host bgruening/galaxy-stable

and for http connection, it worked well.

Then I tried to connect the FTP service in the localhost, it worked well as well.

lftp -p 21 -u

Also, it worked fine when I connect the FTP service using the private network IP address:

lftp 10.10.235.XXX -p 21 -u

However, when I tried to connect the FTP service using the Internet IP, I do met some trouble:

lftp 166.111.152.XXX -p 13XXX -u  ### keep waiting, no response.

There is no problem with the IP address and port mapping from 21 to 13XXX because I can get the log in information in my web browser. However, if I type my account and password to log in, no response would return.



ftp galaxy docker • 1.4k views
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