These BED files are not really in BED format. The coordinates in each describe a range of "0" bases.
Example of one:
track name="chr6 32721547 rs9275765 BED" description="" chr6 32715344 32715344 chr6 32715605 32715605 chr6 32715986 32715986
Note that the start (column 2) and stop (column 2) are the same value. I am not sure where this was obtained, but for the first data line, this could be:
chr6 32715343 32715344 ==> would designate base "32715344"
BED file specification is here: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Learn/Datatypes#Bed
Also, before using many tools that work with BED (or Interval) datasets, it is a good idea to first remove the track (and browser) lines if present. Tools in Text Manipulation can help with removing lines (Remove first lines of a dataset), adjusting data values (Compute), and cutting out columns to reconstruct the proper format (Cut).
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
I am not sure where this was obtained
These are SNPs obtained by HaploReg v3.
Another example (with nonzero delta and without titles):
chr6 32372459 32372461 chr6 32407918 32407920 chr6 32408399 32408401
chr6 32372459 32372461 chr6 32407918 32407920 chr6 32408399 32408401 chr6 32460285 32460287 chr6 32460302 32460304 chr6 32460338 32460340
The empty file is as a result of intersection created
Please reply to my last comment. Thanks in advance!
First, Double check the datatype and column assignment on the inputs. Click on the pencil icon for the datasets to review this metadata and adjust it as needed. The type should be "bed" or "interval" and the columns labeled as Chrom (1), Start (2), and End (3).
If there are still problems, please share the exact tool you are using, the settings, and where the job is being run (http://usegalaxy.org or elsewhere?). If this was not at http://usegalaxy.org, please try to see if the problem can be replicated there as additional troubleshooting - we may ask for a shared history.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team