Question: Has the operate on genomic intervals - intersect feature been removed?
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3.5 years ago by
United Kingdom
zachary.gaber80 wrote:


The intersect tool under "Operate on Genomic Intervals" has suddenly disappeared.  Is this a bug or was the tool intentionally removed?  Either way it's a shame as it was one of the tools I used all the time. 


Can anyone suggest a comparable tool for identifying regions in a BED file that overlap with regions in another BED file?  It seems to me that the BEDTools "Intersect Multiple Sorted BED Files" might be usable, but it reports a lot of information I don't need or want and makes the task of identifying overlap far more laborious.  Thanks!


software error galaxy • 815 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.5 years ago • written 3.5 years ago by zachary.gaber80
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3.5 years ago by
United Kingdom
zachary.gaber80 wrote:

The intersect tool suddenly reappeared but didn't work and when I reloaded the Galaxy page it was gone again.

ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.5 years ago • written 3.5 years ago by zachary.gaber80
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