Question: Bitset Problem
gravatar for Jose Jorge Galan
9.9 years ago by
Jose Jorge Galan20 wrote:
Dear all, I am trying to intersect overlapping pieces of intervals from two queries. When the process finishes I get the following message: "Info: Skipped 2 invalid lines of 1st dataset, 1st line #39: "chrX 153771797 154493114 ", problem: 536870912 is larger than the size of this BitSet (536870912)." How can I solve this problem? I have tried to do the same intersect with the two queries in BED and in interval format, but the results are the same. Thanks in advance, Yours, Jose Jorge Galan, PhD _________________________________________________________________ Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's easy! .aspx&mkt=en-us
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