Question: Windows Xp Instalation Problem
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12.4 years ago by
tras sdzd10
tras sdzd10 wrote:
Hi there, I have been following the instructions from the website ( until I encountered the following problems: 1 There was missing file named universe.conf.sample but there was universe_wsgi.ini.sample. I renamed it together with the rest to universe.conf ( after that I tried and universe_wsgi.conf) 2. When I tried to run python I've got something like - please see the attached jpeg file. Please can somebody help me with advice. Thanks in advance Reymon Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail . "The New Version is radically easier to use" – The Wall Street Journal
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.4 years ago by Dan Blankenberg130 • written 12.4 years ago by tras sdzd10
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12.4 years ago by
Dan Blankenberg130 wrote:
Reymon, The error is due to the fact that required libraries are not in your path. The libraries are provided with the SVN downloads. There is a shell script provided,, which will load the appropriate paths for you. Try: sh Let us know if we can help with any thing else, Dan
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.4 years ago by Dan Blankenberg130
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