Hello Biostars,
I've been encountering this error with the bedGraphToBigWig tool Wig/BedGraph-to-bigWig converter (Galaxy Version 1.1.0) at http://usegalaxy.org with the SacCer3 genome build.
The 7293 line referenced is the very first coordinate containing one (line 2). Using the UCSC wrapper script bedGraphToBigWig.dms generates a bigwig file, but is unviewable in the UCSC Genome Browser or a JBrowse instance.
Both the chromSize file and the bedGraph file use Roman numeral notation, but substituting arabic for roman numerals for a small test sample also generates a 'Matched on Error' similar to the one below.
7293 7311 doesn't intersect 7293 7293, chromId 0 chromSize 230218 Internal error bbiWrite.c 264 Fatal error: Matched on Error Error running wigToBigWig.
Please let me know if I need to clarify my problem further. Thank you!
Cheers, Patrick