Question: Run the metagenoma analysis with the ITS data - Illumina
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3.5 years ago by
andrefcjp0 wrote:

Dear Sr Developer,

I got an advising to reduce the my Illumina dataset by filtrate those and take about 30% of the sequences in order to run the ITS protocol.
For this I used the software within this method:
NGS: QC and manipulation: Filter by quality:
Quality cut-off value - 30
Percent of bases in sequence that must have quality equal to / higher than cut-off value - 90

It means that:
percent = 90 and cut-off = 30 - This read will be discarded (90% of the cycles do no have quality equal to / higher than 30).

From now on could you please guide me how to run the metagenome analysis with the galaxy? I would like to get the alfadiversity, relative abundande and OTU data.

Thanks in advance,


galaxy • 721 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.5 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 3.5 years ago by andrefcjp0
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