Question: Freebayes Repeated Error
gravatar for Dalgard, Clifton
6.2 years ago by
Dalgard, Clifton10 wrote:
Dear Team and Galaxy Users, I have been running FreeBayes on BAM output generated from pooled sequencing of 30 haploid yeast genomes with a total of 90 million reads. I am observing an inconsistent but repeated error using FreeBayes which states: An error occurred running this job:*terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): vector<bool>::_M_range_check Aborted* * * Interestingly, I can view partial output of the tool run and after running the tool repeated with the same data and parameters, I have noticed that the partial output has different lengths (and thus suggests it is not data dependent). Is there any insight to why FreeBayes won't complete? Thank you, Clifton
galaxy • 1.1k views
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