How would one go about getting the current Main instance running locally?
**Updated to reflect recent changes to galaxy-cloudman-playbook**
Hi Jeremy,
A script to do just that is available with the galaxy-cloudman-playbook
This works with a standard local installation. You can skip all the ansible stuff and just run the install script using the instructions below
Start with a fresh Galaxy installation and database
Modify Galaxy
curl > config/tool_conf.xml
Uncomment and alter this line in galaxy.ini
tool_config_file = config/tool_conf.xml,config/tool_conf.xml.main
Configure and Run Galaxy Cloudman Playbook
git clone cd galaxy-cloudman-playbook/roles/galaxyprojectdotorg.cloudman-galaxy-setup/files/scripts
pip install bioblend
ln -s ../../../../files/ . configure the with your Galaxy url and admin user API (obtained from your Galaxy instance web app)
python -t
A couple caveats:
If this the app server is running Galaxy from a directory make sure the IP in your conf file ends in a slash e.g.
You will need to enable API access, so if you are using external authentication like LDAP an explicit Apache or nginx section might be required to allow this.
<Location "/galaxy/api"> Satisfy Any Allow from all </Location>
Expect a ton of InsecureRequestWarnings. There are "operation not permitted" errors even if you run this as root.
Put your shed_tool_conf.xml and shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml in version control since these will be altered by the script.
To have tools placed into proper tool panel sections, I've created a template `shed_tool_conf.xml` file that contains all the tool section IDs I use. Here's an example:
You can then add that file to the list of files in `galaxy.ini` under `tool_config_file` and Galaxy will then modify that one vs. others you may have listed (e.g.,
Ideally, I feel the Toolshed should give you an option to create a a tag section if it does not already exist or use an existing one but that's a different story.
You can start here:
The instructions continue from there for how to set up a production instance. Tools are obtained from the Tool Shed. A local will take significant resources to do the same types of analysis that are set up Main, but this is something you may already know.
If the server is for your own use (or a smaller group), then a cloud version could be a better solution:
All choices:
A list of other groups that have set up public Galaxy instances:
And there is active deployment and development discussion going on at the galaxy-dev at galaxyproject dot org mailing list:
Best, Jen, Galaxy team
Hi Jen and Enis
I have tried to follow this but have run into a number of issues:
I could not find an example so used
running works, up to a point.
rerunning it shows
python -t^M
(1/206) Tool all_cufflinks_tool_suite already installed. Skipping...^M^M
(2/206) Tool all_vcftools already installed. Skipping...^M^M
164/206) Installing tool suite_gatk_1_4 from devteam to section gatk (TRT: 0:00:04.112586)^M^M
Tool installing.^M^M
Tool suite_gatk_1_4 installed successfully (in 0:00:20.647678) at revision 3e6a4fcbf335^M^M
(165/206) Installing tool suite_gops_1_0 from devteam to section bxops (TRT: 0:00:25.878629)^M^M
* Error installing a tool (after suite_gops_1_0)! Name: 0:00:08.197327,owner: devteam, revision: c82347870270, error: {"err_msg": "Uncaught exception in exposed API method:", "err_code": 0}^M^M
(166/206) Installing tool suite_samtools_0_1_18 from devteam to section samtools (TRT: 0:00:35.193715)^M^M
* Error installing a tool (after suite_samtools_0_1_18)! Name: 0:00:05.967991,owner: devteam, revision: 71d378848982, error: {"err_msg": "Uncaught exception in exposed API method:", "err_code": 0}^M^M
(167/206) Tool suite_samtools_0_1_19 already installed. Skipping...^M
(202/206) Installing tool weblogo3 from devteam to section plots (TRT: 0:00:47.618287)^M^M
Tool installing.^M^M
Tool weblogo3 installed successfully (in 0:00:24.286027) at revision a10f9ed463ae^M^M
(203/206) Tool weightedaverage already installed. Skipping...^M^M
(204/206) Tool windowsplitter already installed. Skipping...^M^M
(205/206) Tool xy_plot already installed. Skipping...^M^M
(206/206) Tool data_manager_fetch_genome_all_fasta already installed. Skipping...^M^M
Skipped tools (201): [u'all_cufflinks_tool_suite', u'all_vcftools', u'analyze_covariates', u'annotation_profiler', u'bamleftalign', u'bam_to_sam', u'basecoverage', u'bcftools', u'best_regression_subsets', u'bowtie2', u'bowtie_color_wrappers', u'bowtie_wrappers', u'bwa_0_7_10', u'bwa_wrappers', u'categorize_elements_satisfying_criteria', u'ccat', u'change_case', u'clustalw', u'cluster', u'column_maker', u'complement', u'compute_motif_frequencies_for_all_motifs', u'compute_motifs_frequency', u'compute_q_values', u'concat', u'condense_characters', u'convert_characters', u'correlation', u'count_covariates', u'count_gff_features', u'coverage', u'ctd_batch', u'cuffcompare', u'cuffdiff', u'cufflinks', u'cuffmerge', u'cut_columns', u'depth_of_coverage', u'dgidb_annotator', u'divide_pg_snp', u'dna_filtering', u'draw_stacked_barplots', u'dwt_cor_ava_perclass', u'dwt_cor_avb_all', u'dwt_ivc_all', u'dwt_var_perclass', u'dwt_var_perfeature', u'emboss_5', u'emboss_datatypes', u'express', u'fasta_clipping_histogram', u'fasta_compute_length', u'fasta_concatenate_by_species', u'fasta_filter_by_length', u'fasta_formatter', u'fasta_nucleotide_changer', u'fasta_to_tabular', u'fastqc', u'fastq_combiner', u'fastq_filter', u'fastq_groomer', u'fastq_manipulation', u'fastq_masker_by_quality', u'fastq_paired_end_deinterlacer', u'fastq_paired_end_interlacer', u'fastq_paired_end_joiner', u'fastq_paired_end_splitter', u'fastq_quality_boxplot', u'fastq_quality_converter', u'fastq_quality_filter', u'fastqsolexa_to_fasta_qual', u'fastq_stats', u'fastqtofasta', u'fastq_to_fasta', u'fastq_to_tabular', u'fastq_trimmer', u'fastq_trimmer_by_quality', u'fastx_artifacts_filter', u'fastx_barcode_splitter', u'fastx_clipper', u'fastx_collapser', u'fastx_nucleotides_distribution', u'fastx_quality_statistics', u'fastx_renamer', u'fastx_reverse_complement', u'fastx_trimmer', u'featurecounter', u'filter_transcripts_via_tracking', u'find_diag_hits', u'flanking_features', u'freebayes', u'freebayes_0_9_14_8a407cf5f4', u'freebayes_wrapper', u'gatk2', u'generate_pc_lda_matrix', u'get_flanks', u'getindelrates_3way', u'getindels_2way', u'gi2taxonomy', u'gmaj', u'hgv_fundo', u'hgv_hilbertvis', u'histogram', u'indel_realigner', u'indels_3way', u'intersect', u'join', u'lastz', u'lastz_paired_reads', u'lca_wrapper', u'lda_analysis', u'linear_regression', u'logistic_regression_vif', u'macs', u'maf_cpg_filter', u'merge', u'merge_cols', u'microsatellite_birthdeath', u'microsats_alignment_level', u'microsats_mutability', u'mine', u'multispecies_orthologous_microsats', u'mutate_snp_codon', u'ncbi_blast_plus', u'partialr_square', u'pearson_correlation', u'pgsnp2gd_snp', u'picard', u'pileup_interval', u'pileup_parser', u'plot_from_lda', u'poisson2test', u'principal_component_analysis', u'print_reads', u'quality_filter', u'rcve', u'realigner_target_creator', u'remove_beginning', u'sam2interval', u'sam_bitwise_flag_filter', u'sam_merge', u'sam_pileup', u'sam_to_bam', u'samtool_filter2', u'samtools_flagstat', u'samtools_mpileup', u'samtools_phase', u'samtools_rmdup', u'samtools_slice_bam', u'samtools_sort', u'scatterplot', u'show_beginning', u'show_tail', u'sicer', u'snpeff', u'snpfreq', u'split_paired_reads', u'ncbi_sra_toolkit', u'substitution_rates', u'substitutions', u'subtract', u'subtract_query', u'suite_fastx_toolkit_0_0_13', u'suite_samtools_0_1_19', u't2ps', u't2t_report', u'table_annovar', u'table_recalibration', u'tables_arithmetic_operations', u'tabular_to_fasta', u'tabular_to_fastq', u'tophat', u'tophat2', u'tophat_fusion_post', u'trimmer', u't_test_two_samples', u'variant_annotator', u'variant_apply_recalibration', u'variant_combine', u'variant_eval', u'variant_filtration', u'variant_recalibrator', u'variant_select', u'variants_validate', u'varscan_version_2', u'vcf2pgsnp', u'vcf_annotate', u'vcf_extract', u'vcf_filter', u'vcf_intersect', u'vcftools_annotate', u'vcftools_compare', u'vcftools_isec', u'vcftools_merge', u'vcftools_slice', u'vcftools_subset', u'vt_variant_tools', u'weightedaverage', u'windowsplitter', u'xy_plot', u'data_manager_fetch_genome_all_fasta']^M^M
Errored tools (2): [u'suite_gops_1_0', u'suite_samtools_0_1_18']^M^M
All tools listed
In the monitoring in admin: yellow around the cloning ones?
Monitor installing tool shed repositories
Name | Description | Owner | Revision | Installation Status |
get_flanks |
Get flanks returns flanking region/s for every gene |
devteam |
a72f0decd7b3 |
Cloning |
suite_gops_1_0 |
Metarepository for the gops tool suite. |
devteam |
c82347870270 |
New |
fastx_nucleotides_distribution |
Draw nucleotides distribution chart |
devteam |
63d6e2daad48 |
Cloning |
data_manager_gatk_picard_index_builder |
data_manager_gatk_picard_index_builder |
devteam |
700f2df51eb0 |
Cloning |
table_recalibration |
Table Recalibration on BAM files |
devteam |
53dd1bfced54 |
Cloning |
unified_genotyper |
Unified Genotyper SNP and indel caller |
devteam |
66dd4d4c1743 |
Cloning |
cluster |
Cluster the intervals of a dataset |
devteam |
d5677eecbad4 |
New |
basecoverage |
Base Coverage of all intervals |
devteam |
1e6a9e97fa41 |
Cloning |
samtools_slice_bam |
Slice BAM by provided regions |
devteam |
74a8d2d60258 |
New |
samtools_slice_bam |
Slice BAM by provided regions |
devteam |
68ba55e96489 |
Cloning |
join |
Join the intervals of two datasets side-by-side |
devteam |
e56b47dce68a |
New |
intersect |
Intersect the intervals of two datasets |
devteam |
5b3c6135a982 |
New |
coverage |
Coverage of a set of intervals on second set of intervals |
devteam |
1e864693a1c0 |
Cloning |
samtools_rmdup |
Remove PCR duplicates |
devteam |
7e92b2a53aab |
Cloning |
samtools_mpileup |
MPileup SNP and indel caller |
devteam |
973fea5b4bdf |
New |
sam_to_bam |
Convert SAM format to BAM format. |
devteam |
c73bf16b45df |
New |
samtools_rmdup |
Remove PCR duplicates |
devteam |
fe83e6f8e65e |
New |
samtools_flagstat |
Provides simple stats on BAM files. |
devteam |
a3dd61e7bec1 |
New |
package_tophat_1_4_0 |
Contains a tool dependency definition that downloads and compiles version 1.4.0 of tophat. |
devteam |
0fea0c8cc6cf |
Cloning |
package_weblogo_3_3 |
Contains a tool dependency definition that downloads and installs version 3.3 of the WebLogo application. |
devteam |
648e4b32f15c |
Cloning |
pileup_interval |
Pileup-to-Interval condenses pileup format into ranges of bases |
devteam |
a110f9d6ae24 |
Cloning |
complement |
Complement intervals of a dataset |
devteam |
d958d5a0d1e8 |
Cloning |
subtract |
Subtract the intervals of two datasets |
devteam |
5bc2dacbe729 |
Cloning |
data_manager_sam_fasta_index_builder |
Builds sam indexes using the new data table format. |
devteam |
d6b6db69d9bf |
Cloning |
Can this be fixed? If so how?
Thanks in advance.